Who we are
We are a nonpartisan coalition of community leaders, parents and recovering addicts from across North America. Our a Model is based on successful efforts from across Europe and Canada, and emphasizes: Psychiatry for all; The closing of drug markets, and Shelter first.
We advocate for actions on the federal, state, and local levels that result in addiction recovery, rather than enablement; deliver mental illness treatment, and help solve the problem of homelessness.
Interested in joining our coalition? Please contact us.
Our members
African American Community Advisory Council
The African American Community Advisory Council to the Seattle Police Department (SPD) was created in mid-1996, and is one of ten councils that work collaboratively with the police. The demographic advisory councils were born out of a need to hear directly from communities that often feel disenfranchised, alienated, or as though they do not have the same access as the majority population does to the police department.
Seattle, WA
Contact: Victoria Beach, victoriatbeach@gmail.com
California Alliance for Homelessness Solutions
California Alliance for Homelessness Solutions advocates for balanced solutions to eliminate unsheltered homelessness: immediate shelter and housing, services and treatment, and consistent intervention to ensure a safe, healthy, and compassionate approach for all Californians.
Los Angeles, CA
California Peace Coalition
The California Peace Coalition is a nonpartisan coalition of parents of children at risk of dying from illicit deadly drugs, parents of children killed by fentanyl, and community leaders who are fighting against drug death markets, for psychiatry for all, and for Shelter First to save lives, our communities, and our state.
Berkeley, CA
Contact: info@californiapeacecoalition.org
Citizens for a Safe and Clean Denver
We're a non-partisan citizens’ group dedicated to advocating for the majority of Denver.
We are no longer going to watch the decline of Denver; instead, we are going to end urban camping and stop the exponential increase in crime, trash, violence, public defecation and open drug use in our city.
We are here to protect the 83% of Denver residents who voted to uphold the urban camping ban in 2019.
Denver, CO
Contact: info@safeandcleandenver.com
Discovery Institute
Founded in 1991 by Bruce Chapman and George Gilder, Discovery Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan organization focused on research, education, action, and cultural renewal. Headquartered in Seattle, it brings together a growing global network of scholars, scientists, and policy experts.
Seattle, WA
Contact: info@discovery.org
Greater Harlem Coalition
The Greater Harlem Coalition advocates for a vibrant, tolerant, clean, and safe Harlem for everyone. We have united to work for a Harlem where families, visitors, businesses, and all residents can thrive.
Our coalition focuses on the issues surrounding the systemic oversaturation social services in Harlem and East Harlem — resulting in a concentration of people struggling with mental health, homelessness, and addiction in this historic community of color.
Our goal is to balance compassion with the demand that all communities take their fair share.
New York, NY
Contact: GreaterHarlemCoalition@gmail.com
Hope Street Coalition
Hope Street Coalition addresses the intersection of homelessness, addiction, and mental illness by advocating for effective laws and policies, and raising awareness.
We are a dedicated group of citizens, advocates, and organizations working together to change policy and bring housing, hope, and healing to communities struggling with homelessness.
San Diego, CA
Independent Institute
The Independent Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, public-policy research and educational organization that shapes ideas into profound and lasting impact through publications, conferences, and effective multi-media programs. Our mission is to boldly advance peaceful, prosperous, and free societies grounded in a commitment to human worth and dignity.
Oakland, CA
LA Alliance for Human Rights
LA Alliance for Human Rights is a broad coalition of stakeholders who believe that mental illness and homelessness in Los Angeles is a human rights crisis and are committed to pursuing solutions and a return to clean sidewalks, including through litigation.
Our membership encompasses current and former homeless individuals, non-profits, residents, business owners, service providers, and community members, all seeking to find solutions to end the humanitarian crisis of homelessness in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, CA
Mothers Against Drug Addiction and Deaths
We are mothers of children who have been killed by fentanyl; who are at immediate risk of being killed by fentanyl; and who want to prevent more children from dying. We advocate for drug addiction prevention and recovery by ending open-air drug markets, promoting innovation around restorative care, and educating on the realities of addiction.
San Francisco, CA
PAPR (Pacific Alliance for Prevention & Recovery)
Our mission is to scale up drug policy solutions in the western United States by educating decision makers and the public about ways to harness science to prevent drug use, treat addiction, and forge pathways to recovery.
San Francisco, CA
Twitter/Contact: Tom Wolf
Rational in Portland
A trial lawyer and a lifelong registered Democrat in Portland, Oregon, Kristin Olson started “Rational in Portland” to combat this city’s ideologically-driven — as opposed to data-driven — policies, which have been particularly catastrophic for its most vulnerable citizens (whom, ironically, Portland claims it cares the most about).
The podcast also serves as a platform for leaders who have evidence-based, solutions-oriented, proven strategies to rescue Portland from its precipitous decline and to educate voters who cannot access dispassionate facts from Oregon’s local media.
Portland, OR
San Franciscans for Peace and Justice
Save Austin Now
Save Austin Now is the nonpartisan citizen’s group dedicated to Austin’s quality of life. After dedicating 2 years to reversing the disastrous deregulation of homeless encampments, we’re just getting started.
We’ve worked on reversing bad city council policies and providing real solutions to issues like the deregulation of camping, out-of-control crime after de-funding law enforcement, and endlessly skyrocketing property taxes.
Austin, TX
Contact: vote@saveaustinnowpac.com
STEP Denver
STEP Denver gives men with nowhere else to turn the opportunity to overcome addiction and its consequences through sobriety, work, accountability, and community.
Founded in Denver in 1983 by recovering alcoholics/addicts, STEP’s residential peer recovery model now has a sustained track record that confirms its principles, methodology, and program are a cost efficient and highly effective solution to addiction and homelessness. Each year, STEP helps hundreds of men become productive, contributing members of their community.
Denver, CO
Texas Public Policy Foundation
The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-partisan research institute. The Foundation’s mission is to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the nation by educating and affecting policymakers and the Texas public policy debate with academically sound research and outreach.
Dallas, TX
Contact: info@TexasPolicy.com
Union Rescue Mission
URM is a nonprofit organization that was established in 1891. Today, we are one of the largest rescue missions of our kind in the United States, and the oldest in Los Angeles.
For over 130 years, people with feelings of distress and despair have been coming to Union Rescue Mission seeking help. URM is committed to life-transforming ministry through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We help men, women and children experiencing homelessness so they can get off the streets and find their way home.
Los Angeles, CA
Vancouver Break In and Crime Collective
We aim to support small businesses and citizens alike who have experienced and/or witnessed break-ins and criminal activity in the city of Vancouver.
Vancouver, BC
We Heart Seattle
We Heart Seattle is an action-based, boots-on-the-ground movement that organizes trash cleanups in our public spaces and offers resources to those in need. Through our direct civic engagement, we lead the way to a more compassionate and healthy community.
To meet these goals, we organize regular volunteer trash cleanups in public spaces, offer individualized assistance to those in need, and create a sense of community by welcoming everyone to be involved in real civic engagement, all while working cooperatively with like-minded stakeholders, and city and county employees and leaders.
Seattle, WA
Contact: info@weheartseattle.org