We believe in subsidizing recovery, not addiction.
We believe every life deserves compassion, and every life in distress calls for support. Government drug sites, while they may forestall one problem, invite a plague of social ills that deeply scar communities. Most importantly, these sites lack proper guardrails and give lip service to treating addiction while ignoring untreated mental illness.
North America Recovers is a national coalition of community leaders, parents and recovering addicts. Our approach is based on three core pillars based on human compassion and a careful review of policy solutions and tactics that have proven effective in solving the drug addiction and homelessness in cities around the world.
US cities are facing a humanitarian crisis of addiction and mental illness that manifests as street homelessness, disorder, crime, despair and death.
Cities from around the world provide a beacon of hope: Amsterdam, Lisbon, Frankfurt, Vienna, Zurich and Calgary have faced similar crises, and are making big strides toward a solution.
We oppose government drug sites. Instead, our Model is a more comprehensive and compassionate approach that follows the lead of these cities, and employs the same basic principles to solve our acute crises:
A Model That Works
Psychiatry for All
Psychiatric and addiction treatment must be available to all, including mandatory treatment for those who present a danger to themselves or others, or can no longer care for themselves.
Close Drug Markets
The authorities must shut down open-air drug scenes.
Shelter First
Sufficient emergency shelter must be provided, with more comfortable and private housing available as a reward for those who achieve treatment objectives like sobriety, taking medications, and participating in job training.
Who we are
We are a nonpartisan coalition of community leaders, parents and recovering addicts from across the United States. Our a Model is based on successful efforts from across Europe and Canada, and emphasizes: Psychiatry for all; The closing of drug markets, and Shelter first.
We advocate for actions on the federal, state, and local levels that result in addiction recovery rather than enablement; delivery mental illness treatment, and helps solve the problem of homelessness.
Our members: African American Community Advisory Coalition, California Alliance for Homelessness Solutions, California Peace Coalition, Citizens for a Safe and Clean Denver, Discovery Institute, Greater Harlem Coalition, Hope Street Coalition, Independent Institute, Karma Box Project, LA Alliance for Human Rights, Mothers Against Drug Addiction and Deaths, PAPR (Pacific Alliance for Prevention & Recovery), Rational in Portland, Safe Seattle, San Franciscans for Peace and Justice, Save Austin Now, Texas Public Policy Foundation, Union Rescue Mission, Vancouver Break In and Crime Collective, We Heart Seattle